The Many Applications Of Hydraulics In Our Day-To-Day Lives.

If you were to ask any Australian about hydraulics, you will commonly hear them talk about factory floors and robotics. People assume that this is where hydraulics are used and they generally don’t think about hydraulic systems in their everyday lives. If you are unfamiliar with what hydraulic systems are then the easiest way to explain it is that these same systems do repetitive movements by taking advantage of liquid that is pressurised such as oil or water. They have proven themselves to be very cost-effective and adaptable over the years and this is why they are used in all aspects of our lives.
If you were to visit an Australian manufacturing plant, you would see hydraulics in action every single day and because these machines and equipment are working round-the-clock and sometimes seven days a week, they are in need of required, essential hydraulic ram repair in order to keep them functioning properly. No business can afford to have any down time because time is money as we often say. There are many applications for hydraulics in our general day-to-day lives and the following are just some of those.
- Cars & all vehicles – When we get into our cars early in the morning and we turn the key in the ignition, the engine fires up and we generally don’t really think much about it after that point. Your car or company van is using hydraulic systems all the time that are keeping you safe and one such example is the hydraulic brakes. The reason why your car is so comfortable even on rough roads is that hydraulics are used in your car’s suspension system.
- When you pump your petrol – This is something that you probably have to do every single day and you just get used to the fact that you pull the handle on the pump and the petrol goes into your tank. You probably were not aware of it before but hydraulic systems get the fuel from the large storage tank into your petrol tank. When you key in $20 into the machine then the computer tells the hydraulic system to stop at that point.
- When you are sitting down – This generally comes as a great surprise to many people because when you pull the handle to make your office chair go of or down you were using a hydraulic system. When you go to get your hair cut in your favourite barber, the same hydraulics are moving the chair of them down so that you can get the best haircut possible.
Even when you are not working and you’re having some fun time with your family on the weekends, a visit to the local amusement park will surround you with hydraulic systems working all the time. You wouldn’t be able to enjoy roller coasters or any of the fun rides if it wasn’t for hydraulic systems being put in place to provide force and to perform repetitive motions.